Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Reflections on the PSP/TSP

Watts Humphrey’s Personal Software Process(SM) and Team Software Process(SM) have achieved dramatically better outcomes than any other approach as illustrated by results Humphrey reported in his keynote address to the 2008 World Conference on Software Quality. Data he has collected in conjunction with the Software Engineering Institute (SEI) indicate a typical CMMI "level 1" group delivers 7.5 defects per KLOC. level 5 groups deliver 1.05 defects per KLOC, while TSP teams deliver only .06 defects per kloc! That is a more than 90% reduction from level 5!

TSP results from Microsoft show similar quality improvement and in addition they report an 81% improvement in productivity.

Clearly this method works extremely well, but equally clearly it has not been widely adopted. Why does it work so well? Why is it not more widely used? Perhaps we can gain insight into both questions by thinking about how people learn and change (or not).

To access the complete article, on PSP and TSP.PDF